
In this document, you'll learn about the webhooks that we offer to connect to third party services.

Setup Webhooks

Webhooks are configured on a project level. Once you add the webhook url to your project, all form submissions within the project, are sent as JSON to that URL using a POST request.


At the moment of writing, only the record-created event is able to trigger webhooks. Please reach out if you have additional needs.


We have a few known endpoints to which we will post the format they require. All other endpoints receive the payload matching the following data structure:

interface Payload {
  action: 'record-created'
  project: { 
    _id: string 
    name: string 
    slug: string
  form: {
    _id: string
    name: string
    slug: string
  record: {
    _id: string
    created: number
    size: number       
    data: Record<string, unknown> 


There are a number of webhook endpoints that are recognized and natively supported. To those, we will send the payload format that they require.

Those integrations are listed under the integrations section of this documentation. Supported integrations as of this moment are:

All you need to do to integrate with those services, is to obtain their webhook url, and paste it into your project webhooks at rake.red.